[MY] Hot Slot Hot Deals Terms & Conditions
1. Purpose of Allocating “HOT SLOT HOT DEALS”
1.1. The allocation of Hot Slot Hot Deals is organized by Ecart Services Malaysia Sdn Bhd. (“Lazada”) to offer exclusive rights for booking the allocation of Hot Slot Hot Deals, also known as “Hot Slots for Sales” (“Hot Slot Hot Deals Allocation”). This opportunity is provided to sellers selected by Lazada, who must meet the specified criteria and be deemed appropriate by Lazada in accordance with these Terms.
1.2. Benefits for sellers who book/purchase the allocation of Hot Slot Hot Deals: Once the allocation has been confirmed (or referred to as approved in the Seller Center), their products will be prioritized for visibility on the platform in the Hot Picks module of the Lazada Malaysia application (“Visibility Benefits”), as specified in these Terms and at Lazada’s discretion.
1.3. The allocation of Hot Slot Hot Deals is exclusively for sellers authorized to participate in the booking of Hot Slot Hot Deals as deemed appropriate by Lazada.
2. Details of Benefits
2.1. Visibility Benefits
2.1.1 During the Hot Slot Hot Deals Allocation, the products of sellers who book/purchase these benefits may be prioritized for display on the Lazada platform. This is subject to Lazada's policies and algorithms as deemed appropriate by Lazada.
3. Terms and Conditions of Participation
3.1. General
3.1.1. The booking or participation in the Hot Slot Hot Deals Allocation and other related services of Lazada on the Lazada platform are subject to these Terms.
3.1.2. By booking or participating in the Hot Slot Hot Deals Allocation, you, as the seller (“you,” “your,” “seller”), agree to be bound by these Terms in addition to the Terms of Service (Seller) and other applicable terms and policies for sellers on the Lazada platform. These Terms shall remain effective for your booking or participation in the Hot Slot Hot Deals Allocation and are incorporated by reference as part of these terms. Definitions and interpretations outlined in the Terms of Service (Seller) and other applicable terms and policies shall apply to these Terms unless otherwise stated herein.
3.1.3. When you click the “Join” button in the Hot Slot Hot Deals Campaign Module on the Seller Center for the allocation of Hot Slot Hot Deals, it signifies your intention to book/purchase the allocation of Hot Slot Hot Deals and your agreement to pay the Hot Slot Hot Deals fee if the products offered by your store meet the product selection criteria specified in these Terms and are confirmed by Lazada. You agree and acknowledge that you have read, understood, and will comply with and be bound by these Terms.
3.1.4. You agree to pay the fees for the confirmed allocation of Hot Slot Hot Deals as specified in the Hot Slot Hot Deals Campaign Module in the Seller Center. The amount payable will be due when your booking/purchase of the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation is confirmed by Lazada. The Hot Slot Hot Deals fee will be calculated based on the number of products registered by the seller, multiplied by the allocation fee price as specified/displayed in the Hot Slot Hot Deals Campaign Module in the Seller Center for the allocation of Hot Slot Hot Deals (“Hot Slot Hot Deals Fee”).
3.2. Payment Terms
3.2.1. The payment for the Hot Slot Hot Deals fee is due and must be paid within fourteen (14) days from the date the booked Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation is displayed on the Lazada platform, as specified in the Terms of Service (Seller) or the Seller Center at Lazada’s discretion. The Hot Slot Hot Deals fee will be displayed/indicated in the financial statement in the Seller Center and will include all applicable taxes.
3.2.2. You must pay all taxes (including those charged on invoices issued to you by Lazada), duties, or governmental fees, unless otherwise specified. Any fees or amounts related to the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation that must be paid will include taxes, duties, or any relevant governmental fees. You are responsible for paying any such taxes, duties, or governmental fees.
If a government agency in your country requires any withholding of taxes, duties, or deductions, you must ensure that the net amount received by Lazada is not less than what it would have received without such deductions. Lazada is not liable for any liabilities, penalties, sanctions, and/or additional charges related to tax laws under these Terms.
3.2.3. You agree that Lazada has the right to deduct the Hot Slot Hot Deals fee or any related amounts under these Terms from the balance in your store account or from any amount that Lazada or its affiliates must pay to the seller under these Terms or under any other contract or agreement, in the next payment cycle as specified in the Terms of Service (Seller) or the Seller Center at Lazada's discretion. If you are not a registered seller with Lazada, it shall be deemed that the registered seller has consented to such deductions. The seller agrees that the Hot Slot Hot Deals fee will be confirmed and agreed to be paid by the seller when the seller submits the products for booking/purchase of the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation and will be due and payable according to these Term when the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation is displayed on the Lazada platform. Sellers can check transaction details and the Hot Slot Hot Deals fees charged in the seller’s financial statement on the Seller Center.
3.2.4. Lazada may issue electronic invoices or other documents to the seller for completed Hot Slot Hot Deals fee transactions for each payment cycle via email sent from Lazada's system to the seller. The seller confirms that invoices sent via the email registered in the Seller Center shall be deemed duly received by the seller. In the event of an email address change, the seller must notify Lazada immediately, and the change in the seller's email address for invoice receipt will only take effect after Lazada receives such notification from the seller.
3.2.5. If the seller's store account balance is insufficient to cover the Hot Slot Hot Deals fee, the seller agrees to pay the Hot Slot Hot Deals fee within seven (7) days from the date on the invoice as stated in section 3.2.3 and according to the conditions specified in the invoice.
3.3. Level of Service
3.3.1. You acknowledge that the booking or purchase of the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation is provided on an “as-is” basis, and Lazada makes no representations, promises, or warranties regarding the following:
a. The performance or outcome of the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation, including but not limited to the timing of the allocation and the placement of any information or content (including but not limited to the content or information you provide); or
b. The increase in sales volume or traffic to your store or Product Detail Page (PDP) on the platform.
3.3.2. Lazada has sole discretion over the format, placement, or timing of the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation.
3.3.3. Any information (including but not limited to written reports or dashboards) provided by Lazada regarding the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation is not guaranteed for accuracy, and Lazada shall not be liable for any results arising from your use of such information.
3.3.4. Lazada reserves the right to suspend access to the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation, platform modules and/or functions as deemed necessary for maintenance, improvement, or any other reason, and to take any actions regarding the platform modules and/or functions as Lazada sees fit.
3.4. Responsibilities of the Seller
3.4.1. Throughout the duration of these Terms, the seller is responsible for complying with Lazada's guidelines, rules, policies and additional terms related to Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation. If the seller violates any of the foregoing, or obtains Non-Compliance Points (NCP) higher than 6 points in accordance with Lazada’s policies, or if Lazada deems the seller unqualified to participate in the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation according to its policies, Lazada reserves the right to suspend or terminate the seller's participation in the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation.
3.4.2. The seller is responsible and liable for any products, content, or information provided or submitted in relation to the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation. It is agreed that the seller will ensure that the seller’s products, content, and/or any information (i) do not contain prohibited content, (ii) comply with the law, and (iii) do not infringe upon third-party rights, and that the seller has obtained any necessary permits or documentation as required by law for the display and sale of such products on the platform.
3.4.3. No provision under these Terms shall be construed to imply that Lazada is required to or has acted as an advertiser of the products, nor shall it be deemed related in any manner to advertising services as defined by applicable laws.
3.4.4. The seller agrees that the seller’s participation in the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation, as well as the products participating therein, complies with the criteria specified in the specific terms. Lazada reserves the right to apply additional criteria or requirements regarding the seller's and products' qualifications for participation in the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation, at Lazada's discretion, without prior notice to the seller.
3.4.5. The seller agrees that the seller’s participation, and the products and any related information in the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation, comply with these Terms, any policies, guidelines, and additional terms referenced as part of these Terms, all applicable laws and regulations, and do not harm the reputation of Lazada or its affiliates.
3.5. Cancellation and Termination of Agreement
3.5.1. The seller acknowledges and agrees that the seller is not allowed to cancel the booking or purchase of the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation under any circumstances, unless permitted within the Hot Deals Campaign Module at the sole discretion of Lazada.
3.5.2. If a Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation that the seller has booked or purchased is canceled or rejected by Lazada after confirmation due to the seller modifying the products, prices, or any details after booking or purchasing the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation, the seller agrees to pay the Hot Slot Hot Deals fee for the confirmed allocation.
3.5.3. Lazada reserves the right to cancel these Terms without cause and with immediate effect at any time by notifying the seller or announcing it on the platform or Seller Center.
3.5.4. Upon termination of these Terms, Lazada reserves the right to proceed with any confirmed Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation before the termination, and the seller must pay the Hot Slot Hot Deals fee for such confirmed allocation.
3.6. Applicable Terms
3.6.1. Lazada reserves the right to modify these Terms, as well as any policies, guidelines, additional terms, fees, and/or procedures related to the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation at any time. Such changes will become effective immediately upon announcement on the platform, Seller Center, or any notification to you. In the event of disagreement with any such changes, you must discontinue using the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation and remain liable for any Hot Slot Hot Deals fees incurred before the effective date of such changes. You acknowledge and agree that your continued use of the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation after such changes become effective constitutes acceptance of those changes.
3.6.2. These Terms are subject to any policies, guidelines, and additional terms related to the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation, and other applicable terms and policies for sellers on the Lazada platform, including the Terms of Service (Seller) and General Terms and Conditions (Lazada Sponsored Solutions),, insofar as they relate to the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation and/or the products submitted for the Hot Slot Hot Deals allocation and do not conflict with these Terms and the terms in the invoice(s) (if any) issued pursuant to these Terms. Such policies, guidelines and terms are considered part of these Terms by reference.